I tre dage, der fulgte årsmødet (slut april/start maj) holdt NAS Fri Akademi i Modalen. Deltagerne boede på Mobbrygja Konferencehotel, og Modalen Kommune havde velvilligt stillet lokaler til rådighed for os. Morten Gjul indledte med demonstrationer og tips. I løbet af dagen arbejdede hver især inde eller ude, og til slut samledes vi til gennemgang af vores arbejder. Tre gode dage med megen inspiration og herligt samvær.
For three days following the annual meeting (end April/beginning of May) NAS held a “Free Academy” workshop in Modalen which might be one of the most beautiful places in Norway. The participants stayed at Mobryggja Conference Hotel and the municipality of Modalen kindly offered rooms for our painting activities. Morten Gjul started with demonstrations and advice. During the day everyone painted individually inside or outdoors, and finally, we all got together to have a critical look at the production. Three wonderful days with a lot of inspiration and pleasant company.