Evert Taube – Astri på balkongen, Villa Evelina , akvarel, blyerts 31.9×23.9cm
Foto: Albin Dahlström, Moderna Museet, Evert Taubes bilder BUS 2011
Evert Taube
By Maria Taube
In his artistic performance, Evert Taube (1890-1976) used picture, music as well as words. He brought colour into his texts and described things like a painter does. It is of interest that Evert Taube painted and drew during his entire life. It was natural for him to make his own illustrations when he wrote poetry, prose, songs, a newspaper article or messages to his wife. Around 1920, Evert Taube went to London to study art. It can be seen in some of his works that he was influenced by meeting William Turner´s (1775 1851) painting at the Tate Gallery. There are several watercolours where he lets the colour flow out over the paper. To draw and paint came to be an important part of his life even if he earned his living and became known as an author, poet and artist.
Therese Nordblom (1887-1988)
By Annika Wihl
Therese Nordblom lived in Bohuslän on the Swedish West coast all her life. She started to draw at an early age and in her sketch-pad from young days the siblings were often models.Therese Nordblom had several talents, she photographed, painted watercolours and was a skilful drawer but it was mainly in the watercolour painting that her colours and feeling of form appeared to advantage. She was a proficient depicter of light and painter of nature, who mastered the central perspective fully out with a poetic expression in her depictions. Her pictures are and have been much loved. She had a special feeling for painting boats, where they aroused great admiration and respect especially among the sailing male seaboard population.
Sumiko Kiyohara
By Jacqueline Stare
Sumiko Kiyohara came from Nagano in Japan to Stockholm almost 40 years ago without knowing anything at all about Sweden. She found similarities in climate and vegetation and that contributed towards her immediate feeling at home in Sweden. During the school-years, Sumiko Kiyohara devoted herself to oil painting and before coming to Europe she studied at a university in Tokyo. When she came to Sweden, she met the Swedish watercolour painting and was captured by watercolour and its possibilities. Nature is an important source of inspiration for her and she likes to fetch her motifs from, not least, northern Norway. She is drawn towards a strong abstraction, at the same time that she works a lot with perspective, depth and nearness and, of course, also light.
Tapani Kiippa
By Jacqueline Stare
Tapani Kiippa has painted and drawn all his life and made himself known already during his school-days for, i.a., his caricatures. His systematic studies in painting did not start until he was around 50 years of age and thus he sees himself as an autodidact. Many paintings have costal and boat motifs but he also likes to paint town pictures, preferably smaller communities with charcteristic old surroundings. He has also made countless watercolours in Toscany where he has stayed for long periods. To him it is always important to depict atmosphere and light in different connections. During the course of years, Tapani Kiippa´s painting has also been shown internationally at various exhibitions, but most known all over the world he is for his ex-libris where he most often works with watercolours.