Karl Mårtens – Havstrut, detalj




Karl Mårtens
By Jacqueline Stare
Karl Mårtens is an artist whose way of dealing with life in general also penetrates the way he works with art. As a child he found a way to deal with the complicated things in life via a certain technique where he withdrew into himself. Much later he understood that he had practised some kind of meditation without knowing it. Karl Mårtens paints birds and works with calligraphy. Birds have remained favourite subjects since his childhood. He has extensive knowledge of the birds he paints but intuition – not intellect – rules when he paints.

Gunnel Moheim
By Jacqueline Stare
Gunnel Moheim spent much of her childhood painting and drawing together with her father. She was in advertising, but loved to paint watercolour. As a safer bread-and-butter choice she was educated as a school teacher and has worked as such until 5 years ago. Now she just goes back as part-time subsitute teacher spending the rest of the time on creating her own works which also includes illustrations for branding a multinational Swedish medical company.

Hasse Karlsson
By Lasse Sandström
Hasse Karlsson loves travelling. He has seen much of the world together with his wife Ia (acrylics painter) and their two sons. He is careful to put down all his impressions on paper, so he has carried his watercolour equipment to many remote places. He seeks the cold and barren places on his journeys, since he doesn’t like to paint greens. He does, however, continue his paintings over the given theme once he returns to his studio in Sweden

Ulf Backman
By Lasse Sandström
Before staring to paint Ulf Backman was a maths teacher. He took up watercolour painting at the age of fifty. He had been interested before, but had never had the time or the opportunity. Once he got that, he decided to seek out the best teachers, so he went for classes with Göran Rücker, Morten Paulsen, Arne Isacsson, Håkan Blomqvist, Lars Holm, Anders Wallin and Hasse Karlsson at the Gerlesborg School. He is mostly known for his paintings of houses. Houses have always interested him, mainly because they cast such fine shadows.

Barbro von Platen
By Kelly Lindblom
Barbro von Platen has worked as an architect all her life until retiring. As part of her education she was trained in watercolour painting and has found Arne Isacsson a great inspiration. She is fond of making life paintings and they are very sensual as are many of her abstract elaborations that she paint mostly to investigate the paper and how paint and water work together.