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In 2024 The Finnish Watercolour Society will host the XXVII ECWS Symposium in Tampere
Registration is now open! Everyone is welcome to participate in the symposium 10-13 August 2024.
The exhibition will showcase more than 170
watercolor paintings from the 14 member societies and the symposium will offer four full days of fun and inspiration. Besides the opening ceremony, the symposium program includes international and Nordic master class demonstrations, workshops, plein-air contest & pop-up show, day trip visit to museums, and collegial events like the Mayor’s Reception and sumptuous Gala dinner.

Key dates

01.04.2024 Symposium registration open
10.05.2024 Registration and payment deadline
Price for symposium: 160 EUR, Price for gala dinner: 85 EUR
Register here:
01.08.2024 Pre-symposium, Night of the arts, free events across the city of Tampere
09.08.2024 Pre-symposium, Registration, Evening Get-together
10.08.2024 Symposium, Masterclasses, Workshops, Exhibition opening
11.08.2024 Symposium, Masterclasses, Workshops
12.08.2024 Symposium, Plein-air contest, Workshops, Mayor’s reception
13.08.2024 Symposium, Field Trips, Pop-up exhibition, Gala dinner
Exhibitors from Nordiska Akvarellsällskapet:
Agneta Ljungberg
Tord Wennerblom
Peter Schalin
Anette Gustafsson
Jörgen Landehag
Finn Refslund Petersen
Anne-Lise Holo
Lena Gemzøe
Karin Lipkin-Forsén
Derek Mundell
Anette Ekenberg
Minna Petäjäniemi Bringslimark
Susanna Geidemark
Hjördis Alexandersdóttir
Alexandra Walsh
Kathrine Amble